U.S. Department of Labor Obtains Consent Judgment and Order Protecting Participants and Beneficiaries of Failing MEWA
March 22, 2019New Jersey Employment Law Update — March 2019
March 25, 2019U.S. Department of Labor Obtains Consent Judgment and Order Protecting Participants and Beneficiaries of Failing MEWA
March 22, 2019New Jersey Employment Law Update — March 2019
March 25, 2019The knowledge experts at ThinkHR comb the web for interesting and actionable curated content (the four-leaf clovers, if you enjoy a seasonal cliché) so you don’t have to. Here are some of the stories that caught our eye this month.
The Pros and Cons of Unlimited PTO
Unlimited PTO is a growing trend that appeals to employees and candidates. However, making the switch to unlimited PTO can be difficult, with several practical and compliance factors to consider. And then there’s the paradox that offering unlimited PTO often results in employees taking less time off to recharge. Is unlimited PTO too much of a good thing? Read more on HR Dive.
A New Team Member Means a New Team
More than half of newly hired managers and executives leave their new jobs within 18 months. Integrating new employees into their teams effectively can go a long way toward keeping them engaged and performing at their peak. Learn how to best support new hires. Read more on Harvard Business Review.
A Commitment to Gender Parity
Gender parity results from continued dedication and deliberate initiatives, says Peter Grauer, chair of the 30% Club, an organization that promotes gender equality in the boardroom. He shares five factors that will accelerate this evolution – first and foremost is commitment and action from the top. Read more on HR Executive.
Remote Work as a Disability Accommodation
The Eighth Circuit Court recently ruled an employer was permitted to deny an employee’s request to work from home as a disability accommodation. Over the last two years, courts have sided with the employer in 70 percent of similar cases. Despite the rise in telework options for all employees, the intersection of remote work with disability accommodations remains complicated. Read more on Bloomberg.
Distractions Abound
Even when our work is not disrupted by sporting events, we still struggle with distractions in the workplace. And while we all can guess at how we end up losing valuable work time, it’s always a good reminder to see in writing some of the ways we can keep on task. Share these five tips for combatting day-to-day distractions. Read more on Fast Company.
Who’s Your BFF?
HR professionals already know that employees are not an expense that hurts the bottom line; they are an investment in the company that pays off well. Collaboration between HR and your company’s financial leadership can help the whole team grow together, from hiring and retention to keeping employees happy and productive. Learn why you should make your CFO your friend. Read more on HR Dive.
The Ethics of Pay Equity
The New York Times Magazine’s “The Ethicist” column recently tackled a question from a reader who knew two employees at her former employer — who were similar in most ways except race — were being paid differently. The columnist’s answer takes into account both the ethics and the legality of pay inequality. Read more on The New York Times.
In Case You Missed It
Popular articles on the ThinkHR blog this month included stories on March Madness, marijuana laws, the overtime threshold, people risk management, and California’s sexual harassment laws. Don’t miss out on the latest news and information from ThinkHR. Subscribe in the box at right to be alerted when new content is posted.